Friday, August 2, 2013

Kappa Delta Convention

At the beginning of July Brooke Lawley, Kappa Delta President, had an amazing opportunity to attend Kappa Delta Sorority’s 60th National Biennial Convention in Boston. National convention is held every other year in order to conduct the national business of the sorority and to give all Kappa Delta sisters a central place to meet up, learn new things, reminisce on memories from the past and create new memories that will last a lifetime.  It was a week filled with a lot of learning, many new faces, little sleep and tons of fun!

 Brooke attended convention as the voting delegate and was lucky enough to have another sister there with me. Chealsey Leach was selected to serve as a Convention Page and had a wonderful experience doing so. Brooke said, “It was humbling to be around so many different generations of sisters from all across the country that share a common bond of sisterhood that ties them all together.”

 One of the most exciting parts about it was that Brooke met their National Council and could really see how dedicated and passionate they are about the organization and their service. The highlight of the week was definitely the awards banquet where collegiate and alumni chapters and individuals were recognized for their progress and achievements throughout the last biennium. The Beta Delta chapter, here at Utah State University, was thrilled and honored to receive the Merit Award which is given to chapters that meet a number of criteria to be considered in the top 10% of Kappa Delta chapters nationwide. Beta Delta has never received the Merit Award before but it’s always something that they  have strived to achieve. Brooke and Chealsey were also proud to receive awards for Recruitment Excellence, Academic Excellence,
Panhellenic Excellence and Top Membership Score. As chapter president Brooke could not be more proud of her Council and every single girl in their chapter for putting the hard work, time and dedication in to get their chapter to where it is now. Brooke said, “I’m thankful to lead such an amazing group of women and I’m also thankful for the guidance that we receive from our Chapter Advisor, Judy Lawton.”

 The Kappa Delta’s are excited for a new school year and new opportunities to strengthen their own sisterhood and their relationships within the Greek Community. We are so proud of our Beta Delta chapter here at Utah State University, keep up the hard work and we look forward to all the amazing new things their chapter will do this year.