Greek Spotlight

Michael Ruefenacht 
Affiliation: Sigma Phi Epsilon
Intended Major: International Business
Year in school: Junior
Why did you go Greek?
I never thought about it before, but I was impressed with the men that were affiliated with it. 

Who is your Hero: 
Adam Garone (Founder of Movember)

What is your dream job?
A business job allowing me to see the world

Something you want to do before you die?
Hike in Europe

What is something most people don't know about you?
I’ll buy a meal for the homeless from time-to-time

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Getting my Eagle Scout Award

Any other clubs or organizations your part of?
A-Team, STAB

 Elizabeth Rumball (Liz)
Affiliation: Kappa Delta
Major: Communicative Disorders emphasis in Speech Pathology
Year in school: Sophomore
Why did you go Greek?
Moving to Logan, UT from out of state was a big adjustment for me and going Greek started as an idea I had to join an organization to keep me busy. What I quickly realized was that I went Greek for so many other reasons. I went Greek because I wanted to have the unique opportunity to care about something bigger than myself, I loved all of the service opportunities it provided along with the camaraderie of the sisterhood, bonded by a ritual instilled with values that will guide me through the rest of my life.

Who is your hero?
My hero is easily Oprah Winfrey, I'm essentially obsessed with her, she does so much good for the world and I would love to meet her and talk about all of the amazing things she does for others, and how she stays so selfless.

What is your dream job?
Working as a Speech Pathologist in an elementary school setting, with an event planning company or bakery on the weekends.

What do you want to do before you die?
To travel all over Europe, especially Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Great Britain.

What is something most people don't know about you?
I am deathly afraid of birds. Actually, most people know that about me.

What is you biggest accomplishment?
In high school I planned a three day leadership conference for over 1,000 high school students and their leadership advisers.


Benjamin Gary Rasmussen 
Major: Finance and Economics
Greek Affiliation: Alpha Tau Omega
When joined Greek Community: September 2012

Ben wanted to join the Greek community because it was different and it would present an opportunity to build community and not just himself.  He also knew good people in the Greek community and that they had benefited from joining. Also he thought it would be a fun experience.

The people that Ben most admires are his wife and late grandfather whom he was named after. He admires his Wife because she is empathetic hardworking, and helpful. He admires his grandfather because he is thoughtful, genuine, always making himself better, accepts criticism, and is humble.

Ben’s dream job would be to own his own private equity firm in which he would help others succeed in their businesses.

His biggest accomplishment would be that he got Alpha Tau Omega up and running. He decided to start up Alpha Tau Omega because he thought it would be beneficial for the University and himself.

Something Ben has always wanted to do is go to Africa or India with his wife. He wants to get to know the people and their culture. He also wants to help out with their finance so they could sustain themselves as a country.

Becca Garrett

Major: Political science and International Studies
Greek Affiliation: Alpha Chi Omega
When joined Greek Community: Spring 2012

Becca originally wanted to join the Greek community because she wanted to belong to an organization on campus. She also knew some Greek members before joining and she had heard great things. She also wanted to be part of something that was bigger than her. Lastly see want to have sisters who were her best friends.

The person Becca admires the most is Condoleezza Rice. She admires Condoleezza because she is an Alpha Chi and she was secretary of state. Becca admires her because she is a highly respected woman in politics when women weren't respected. Becca hopes to be respected in the way Condoleezza is respected.

Becca’s dream job would be to be a Senator for the United States of America and to have a law practice.

One of the things Becca is most proud of is being President of the American Legion Junior Auxiliary. This is an organization that works with veterans of foreign wars. Becca won the President for Utah and planned events to help raise money for veterans. She is proud of it because it was a great honor and she knew the organization was making a difference for the veterans.

Something Becca has always wanted to do is join the military because she has a great respect for this country and wants to be able to give back to the country in a way.

Paige Sjoblom
Major: Public Relations and Marketing
Greek Affiliation: Kappa Delta
When joined Greek Community: Fall 2011

Paige attended Weber State University her first two years of college and had zero involvement. When she transferred to Utah State she wanted to get involved and make up for lost time and engage in the full college experience. Paige felt like going Greek would help her get involved and have a better college experience.

The person that Paige looks up to and admires is Brooke Lawley, the Kappa Delta President and her Big sister. Paige met Brooke during her new member period and knew Brooke was the kind of Kappa Delta she wanted to be. Brooke displays poise and love in everything she does, and is such a good role model. I love how devoted Brooke is to the whole Greek community and its success.

Paige’s dream job would be to do in-house Public Relations or Marketing for a large company outside of Utah. She is hoping her career will give her the opportunity for travel and relocate. 

Paige is proud of how far she has come in her two years here at Utah State. In Ogden, she worked full time, went to school part time and had no involvement or personal life. Paige is now Vice President Membership for Kappa Delta, Public Relations Chair for the Student Alumni Association, the current Sigma Chi Sweetheart, interned in New Jersey over the summer, and is on schedule to graduate next fall. She can honestly say she has gotten everything she was looking for.

Something Paige has always wanted to do is backpack across Europe. She loves the idea of living off basics while exploring. She plans on doing this the summer after graduation.  

Casey Allen 

Major: Biology
Greek Affiliation: Sigma Chi
When joined Greek Community: Spring 2012

Casey chose to join the Greek community because he had family and friends that were Sigma Chi

The person Casey most admires is his brother because he is a hard worker and is accomplished. His brother is currently finishing his residency to become an orthopedic surgeon.

Casey’s dream job is to become a physical therapist and specialize in orthopedics and sports, he also wants to stay in Utah.

An accomplishment Casey is most proud of is that he received his Associates degree at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Something Casey has always wanted to do is fly a plane to a different country because it would be awesome.

An interesting fact about Casey is that he plays soccer up here at Utah State University. 

Alexis Linares

Major: Law and Constitutional studies and History Duel Major
Greek Affiliation: Theta Nu Xi
When joined Greek Community: Spring 2012

Alexis joined the Greek community because she saw how sisters interacted and she wanted that relationship for herself. Alexis also liked how the Greeks represented themselves.

The person Alexis most admires is her mom because of her strength.  She also admires how much her mom loves her and her two sisters.

Alexis has many jobs she would love to do but her top dream job would be to be an immigration lawyer.  She wants to do this wants to help people like her family because she saw what they had to go through.

The biggest accomplishment for Alexis is that she is the first generation in her family to attend college. She is proud of this because she has worked hard to get to where she is and this has always been a dream of hers. She has plans to attain a graduate degree and possibly attend law school.

Something Alexis wants to do some day is to travel the world and experience other cultures and meet new people.

Travis Kolupanowich 
Major: Undeclared Business
Greek Affiliation: Pi Kappa Alpha
When joined Greek Community: Spring 2012

Travis joined the Greek community because he was living in central campus and a friend in the ROTC told him about Pi Kappa Alpha. Travis went and checked out the house and ended up loving it.

The person Travis most admires is General Lloyd W. “Fig” Newton; he was the first African American Thunderbird pilot. Travis admires him because he didn't let his obstacles stop him from achieving his finest goals.

A dream job of Travis is to fly Pave Hawks in the Air Force and partake in search and rescue missions. This is his dream job because he wants to save lives and defend our country.

The accomplishment Travis is most proud of is that he was able to become an Air Force cadet and given a chance to serve our country.

Travis has always wanted to serve our country because the exertions of outstanding men have given us so much. He said that it would be an honor to be a part of those few men and women

Sonina Hernandez

Major: Global Communications
Greek Affiliation: Theta Nu Xi
When joined Greek Community: Spring 2011

Sonina joined the Greek community because it stood for everything she worked with in High School. Sonina wanted to incorporate everything she worked for in high school into her college career and she saw this as an opportunity.

The person Sonina most admires is Juliet Lowe founder of Girl Scouts. Sonina admires Juliet because she wanted to go out and have adventures and in the process opened up a whole new world to girls. Juliet didn’t just want to be ordinary she wanted something different.

A dream job Sonina wants is to work for an International business and work with ex-patriots. Sonina wants to do this because loves learning about new cultures and she would train people to avoid culture shock. Another aspect of the job Sonina would like is the fact that she would be able to travel around the world.

The one thing Sonina is most proud of is recently winning diversity VP for ASUSU. The part she is looking forward to most is working with international students.

Something Sonina has always wanted to do is visit every continent once to see things and experience the different cultures. 

Tyler Gregerson
Major: Management Information Systems and getting firefighting certification
Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Phi
When joined Greek Community: Fall 2011

Tyler joined the Greek community to build up his business network, get involved at Utah State University, and have an amazing college experience.

The person who Tyler most admires is his Master Sergeant in his army unit. Tyler admires him because he is an amazing leader that has always loved the career he has chosen and has no regrets for his work. Also his Master Sergeant is very motivational speaker and has taught Tyler so much in his career.

A dream job of Tyler’s  will be to have job that he loves doing so much that it will not feel like he is going to work. Although Tyler loves firefighting he would enjoy being a loving husband.

Tyler is most proud of being voted the most influential and best Platoon Guide in his army training.

Something that Tyler has always wanted to do is to snowboard off a cliff with a Squirrel suit on. He would love to feel the adrenaline rush and the wind in his face. 

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