Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Upcoming Events

Here's a list of events in the Greek Community for the rest of February!

February 21st:

  • Delta Sigma Phi's "Tight and Bright" dance from 9:00 pm-1:00 am. Entry is $3 for non-Greeks, $2 for Greeks, and ladies get in free before 10:00. Must be 18+ and have a valid ID. 
  • Sigma Phi Epsilon's Concert Series from 8:00 pm-Midnight. Entry is $3/person.
February 24:
  • All Greek meeting + Greek Town Hall at 4:30 pm in the TSC Ballroom. 
February 24-March 1st:
  • Kappa Delta will kick off their annual Shamrock Week. Events will be announced as times and dates become available. Bake-off will be held Saturday morning in the TSC lounges from 1:00-4:00. Tickets are $3/person. 
  • Sigma Chi's Derby Days will be held Monday-Friday
March 1st
  • Greek Challenge--Women's Basketball game at 7pm. 

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