Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Theta Nu Xi Founders Week 2013

   Theta Nu Xi’s founder’s day is on April 11. To commemorate this significant day, the Epsilon Chapter at Utah State University decided to celebrate Founders’ week. Founders’ week was from April 8 – April 12, 2013. Each day was a representation of their tenets, which are the things on which their sorority was founded on. 
Monday was Leadership Day: 
To celebrate Leadership, Theta Nu Xi had professor Matt Sanders speak about “The Traits of a Leader”. This event was held in a classroom at the Engineering building, and was very empowering to the chapter members.
 "It was great to see the sisters engaged and asking questions and learning to become greater leaders." -Aminata Meite President

Tuesday was Scholarship Day:
The women held a scholarship fair at the TSC Sunburst Lounge. They had the following offices have booths at the event; Financial Aid office, office of Academic resources, and Study Abroad office. The Epsilon Chapter also held a booth for the Epsilon Scholarship they hand out every semester. The purpose of this day was to get as many people’s questions answered as well as get them enlightened on all the opportunities that are out there at Utah State University.

Wednesday was Multiculturalism Day:  
To celebrate Multiculturalism, Theta Nu Xi had a showcase from the different clubs at Utah State University. They had the African Student Association, the Dominican Student Association, the Polynesian Student Union, the Latino Student Union, and the Epsilon Chapter perform. The purpose of this event was to give a glimpse at different clubs and cultures here at Utah State University.

Thursday was Service Day:
To celebrate Service, they held two service events: Celebrity Server and Butterflies for service. For celebrity server, they sold tickets to golden corral and members of the epsilon chapter were the waitresses for a specific section of Golden Corral. The profits raised were shared with Golden Corral, but the main portion of their profits went to the Girls For A Change Foundation, which is the sororities philanthropy. Butterflies for service was an event were they made origami butterflies and sent them over to St. Jude’s Research Hospital. The purpose of this event was to give back to our community in any way possible.

Friday was Sisterhood Day and the Annual Step Show:
 The Step Show is co-hosted with Psi Sigma Phi Fraternity. This Step show consisted of  the different Greek Organizations on campus as well as the Black student Union. The profits raised at this event were shared with Psi Sigma Phi and their part of the proceeds went to the English Learning Center. 
"This was a sisterhood event because all the sisters participated in this event as well as alumni. After the event, we had our sisterhood bonding at our annual formal." -Theta Nu Xi sister
  Overall, Theta Nu Xi's founders week was a success and is something everyone can look forward to in April this next semester!

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