Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We want YOU a part of our Greek Community!

Welcome to Utah State University Greek Life!

There are so many opportunities for you to get involved and to leave your legacy. 

At Utah State University, we have three sororities; Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, and Theta Nu Xi Multicultural, and five fraternities; Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural, and Alpha Tau Omega Colony.

We have over 300 members in our community and can’t wait to add more members this fall! Check out our fall recruitment schedules and register for recruitment at

We want YOU to become a member of our Greek Community! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

What are USU Greeks Involved In this Upcoming Fall?

At Utah State, there are a variety of ways to get involved in clubs, organizations, student activities, and honor societies. Membership in a Greek chapter will provide you with the foundation necessary to become a leader and a driving force for positive change on campus and in the community. Each fraternity and sorority strives to create well-rounded individuals through leadership training, innovative programming, and life-skill development.

Here are what some USU Greeks are involved in the Fall 2012 Semester:
Associated Students of Utah State University 

Christian Orr (ΣΦΕ), Jordan Hunt (ΣΦΕ), Hannah Blackburn (ΚΔ), Trent Morrison (ΣΦΕ), Sloan Bailey (ΚΔ), Chaise Warr (ΣΦΕ) and Ben Wilson (ΣΦΕ – not pictured) all have positions serving on Associated Students of Utah State University [ASUSU]. Look out for many fun events they will 
be planning this school year. 

Service and Philanthropy are a main part of Greek life and many members just can’t get enough and have chosen to give additional time to serving our community.
Laura Gunnell (ΚΔ) - Best Buddies Volunteer
John Stankiewicz (ΔΣΦ) – Volunteer in the Val R. Christensen Service Center
Drew Vaughn (ΣΧ) – Common Grounds Volunteer

Douglas Fiefia (ΨΣΦ), Emme Pugmire (ΚΔ) and Chandell Culley (ΚΔ) serve together on the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Student Council and Phillip Nenni (ΔΣΦ) serves on the Science Council.

2012-2012 A Team

Anthony Pratt (ΨΣΦ), Douglas Fiefia (ΨΦΣ), Shelby Frauen (ΘΝΞ), Sonina Hernandez (ΘΝΞ), Charley Riddle (ΣΦΕ), Brian Isom (ΣΦΕ), and Cade Robinson (ΑΤΩ) are all members of the Utah State A-Team. Members of the A-Team facilitate SOAR [student orientation, advising and registration] help new students learn about USU policies, the registration process, and student services.

With the many different clubs and organizations on campus there is always something that will suit you. Whether its is the awesome USU Band or politics, there is something for everyone.
Josh Tucker (ΣΧ) USU Bands
Thomas Crandall – The Music Club
David Smith (ΣΦΕ) – Athletic Tutor + Campus Recreation and Intramural Department.
Kevin McCutheon (ΣΧ) – Student Health and Wellness Center
Laurel Humble (ΘΝΞ ) – College Republicans
Justin Hinh and Jens Bowman (ΔΣΦ) – Students for Liberty

Greeks are all about getting involved in every aspect on campus, and The Access and Diversity Center is a great place to start.
Garrett Erickson (ΣΦΕ), member of Diversity Council.
Garret Bates (ΨΣΦ) – International Student Council
Jonathan Mejia (ΨΣΦ) – Multicultural Recruitment Council and Latino Student Union.
Ami Meite (ΘΝΞ) - Black Student Union and African Student Association.
Ana Gutierrez (ΘΝΞ) and Jessie Gilpin (ΚΔ) – Polynesian Student Union

One great way to get involved is to join clubs within your major.
Justin Zizumbo (ΣΧ) – National Association of Social Workers, Nick Almanza (ΔΣΦ) – Accounting Club, Kurt Mantz (ΣΧ) – Reach Peer Program, Stefanie Stack (ΚΔ) – Public Relations Student Society of America and Tyler White (ΣΧ) – Wildlife Society.

Many Greeks volunteer for events at Utah State such as The HOWL, Mardi Gras, and End of Year Bash. These Greeks include, Kristina Blesh (ΑΧΩ), Caitlyn Lewis (ΑΧΩ), Becca Glover (ΚΔ), Carlos Murrilo (ΔΣΦ), Will Fulton (ΣΧ) and many more.
Going Greek provides many leadership opportunities within the Greek Community but also on campus. One way to start is to go with a friend to club meetings and see if that is the right fit for you. The Greek Community provides a conference each fall called, Greek Leadership Weekend, which is a great way to become a leader in the Greek Community.

If you are interested in any leadership positions or being involved on campus or in the Greek community contact Whitney Negrete, Greek Council Public Relations at or any other member of Utah State Greek Council.

Monday, July 16, 2012

USU Greek’s Newest Fraternity Colonizing

After many years, Utah State University Greeks is pleased to have a new Fraternity on campus.  

Alpha Tau Omega
            These fraternity members are often called “ATOs” or “Alpha Taus” and were founded 146 years ago on September 11, 1865 at Virginia Military Institute. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity has more than 250 active and inactive chapters, with over 204,000 initiates nationwide.

            Students at Utah State University chose to bring Alpha Tau Omega to the USU campus because they were looking for a different kind of brotherhood that they hadn’t found anywhere else. One of their members, Jarvis Pace stated, “Bringing ATO to campus has been an experience, but even though it [ATO] has encountered some obstacles along the way, ATO has stayed because of the brotherhood that was found among its members.”

 Alpha Tau Omegas at their "Beach and a Beverage" Brotherhood
                  With Alpha Tau Omega being a new fraternity addition to the Utah State University campus, it provides one more option for the men and incoming freshman at USU to consider when choosing to Go Greek. Alpha Tau Omega provides all the same things that you can find in all the other fraternities on campus; brotherhood, friendship, networking, involvement, service, and more. For Jarvis Pace it provided him “the opportunity to belong to something greater than myself and to leave my mark on USU as a founding father of this organization.”

          The colonization of Alpha Tau Omega at Utah State University is scheduled to take place on Friday, September 14th.  If you are interested in getting involved in Alpha Tau Omega, they will be on campus for 6 weeks starting the middle of August recruiting and answering questions.

           Alpha Tau Omega will join other Utah State Fraternities [Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, and Psi Sigma Phi] at the Men’s Recruitment BBQ that will be on Tuesday, September 4th at 6:00 pm on the TSC patio.

If you are interested in participating in Men's Recruitment email Ryan Sanchez at 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Where are USU Greeks spending their summer?

The Utah State University Greeks have already had a great start to a wonderful summer. There are many USU Greeks spread all over the world for their summer adventures.

With 8 different fraternities and sororities at the Utah State campus, we have members involved in everything this summer from service projects, internships, study abroad programs, student orientation, or just working at home.

 Members within the Greek community and where they are spending their summer:

Jade Green (ΑΧΩ) has moved to Orlando, Florida and works in sales at the Disney Youth Program in Walt Disney World. Meanwhile Carlos Murrillo (ΔΣΦ) is on the west coast working as a cast member for Disneyland in Anaheim, California.

  • Sonina Hernandez (ΘΝΞ), Charley Riddle (ΣΦΕ), Brian Isom (ΣΦΕ)  Anthony ‘TJ’ Pratt (ΨΣΦ), and Douglas Fiefia (ΨΣΦ),  are all spending their summers in Logan as part of Utah State’s A-Team which helps with Freshman SOAR. (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration)
  • Big and Little sisters, Rachelle Webb [left] and Jordan Hamilton [right] (ΚΔ) are in Tanzania, Africa working in an orphanage. (picture right)

  • Bracken Allen (ΣΦΕ) will be spending the rest of his summer in the Provo, UT MTC [Missionary Training Center] preparing to serve an LDS Mission in Rochester, NY.

  • Matt Welch (ΔΣΦ) and Elizabeth Speckhard [Welch](ΚΔ) are spending their summer in Summervile, South Carolina as sales representatives for AMP.
  • Chealsey Leach (ΚΔ) has a summer internship in Washington DC with Fund for American Studies Program and is living in college dorms at Georgetown.

Danley Phillips (ΣΧ) has chosen to spend his summer in Hattiesburg, Mississippi working at The Pastry Garden at Gordon Creek. (pictured left)

While some Greeks chose to move somewhere new for the summer, some decided to move home. Hannah Leve (ΑΧΩ) is in Nashville, TN for the summer working as a nanny. Trent Morrison (ΣΦΕ) is in Salem, Oregon working at a camp for under privileged children, and Jarvis Pace (ΑΤΩ) has moved back to Salt Lake City to work as an intern for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.

We are so proud of all of the Utah State Greeks accomplishments and can’t wait to see everyone in August!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet Your 2012 Greek Ambassadors

 What is a Greek Ambassador?

The USU Greek Ambassador team is composed of a diverse group of 19 members from the various chapters in the Greek Community. There mission is to provide a unified and educated front towards incoming Freshman and potential students regarding Greek Life and Campus Involvement. Through providing a centralized group responsible for representing the University and our Greek community in potential recruitment programs such as SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, Registration), and USU recruitment Open Houses. They are positive representative of our collective community and demonstrate a passion for both Greek Life and Campus Involvement. 

                   Chase Casillas                                     Becky Checketts                          

McAllen, TX                                  Clearfield, UT

Major: Liberal Arts                   Major: Exercise Science

Shandy Vickers                                Ryan Johnson
Nampa, ID                                          Sandy, UT
Major: Child Psychology         Major: Business Administration

Justin Zizumbo                                Kelsy Ensign

      Ogden, UT                               Naperville, Illinois

    Major: Social Work                     Major: Public Relations

Laurel Humble                                Garrett Erickson 

Okinawa, Japan                                   La Mirada, CA

Major: Professional Writing                Major: Spanish & Marketing

    Tanner Hughes                           Riley Jo Justesen
Farmington, UT                                Murray, UT 
                                                       Major: English/History Teaching     


   Ami Meite                                      Richard Orcutt    
Abidian, Cote d’Ivoire                         Pleasant Grove, UT
Major: Pre-Medical Biology                     Major: Economics


            Le Vu                                     Sonina Hernandez
  Salt Lake City, UT                          Salt Lake City, UT
          Major: Marketing                Major: Global Communications

  Lauren Scales                                Tyler Gregerson
 Merced, CA                                    Bluffdale, UT
Major: International Agribusiness       Major: Business Management

Chelsey Mae Reilley                             Kacie De Jong
South Jordan, UT                               Sandy, UT
Major: FCHD                                           Major: 


    Keni Stuart                                    Nathan Trujillo
         Uintah, UT                               Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Landscape Design                         Major:

All of our Greek Ambassadors have participated in the mandatory training seminars focusing on Greek Life and Campus Involvement. They are excited to get to know incoming Freshman and potential members. 

Go visit them at upcoming SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, Registration) events in Logan, UT!

Thank you Glam Photography for taking all these wonderful pictures

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What are the sororities up to?

What are Alpha Chi, Kappa Delta, and Theta Nu Up to Now?

Alpha Chi Omega is pleased to announce that Professor Cathy Bullock will be joining their chapter as an Alumni Initiate. She is the associate professor for the department of Journalism and Communications at Utah State University. She has wanted to join the Alpha Chi Omega organization for many years and this year they are making it happen! They look forward to going on this journey with her and having this fabulous addition to their alumni chapter. Alpha Chi just recently completed their large philanthropy event Lyre Fest. Throughout the week they hosted activities to raise money and supplies for Logan's local CAPSA chapter, in an effort to raise awareness and end domestic violence in our campus and community. In conjunction with LyreFest, Alpha Chi also co-hosted the Vagina Monologues, a series of stories presented by real women about their lives.  

Kappa Deltas welcomed home 10 officers who attended the Kappa Delta National Collegiate Training Academy; where 1600 KD leaders gathered in Atlanta for three days of additional leadership programming.  Pictured here are the women of USU who are with Julie Johnson, former KD National President and current NPC Delegate.  Julie will be visiting Logan in April to help celebrate the chapter's 75th Anniversary on the USU campus. Kappa Delta will be hosting a "CARE - The Power of Girls" event for the Girl Scouts of Cache Valley tomorrow. It is an initiative to engage and mobilize girls in the US around critical issues affecting girls around the world. Kappa Deltas are excited to teach the Girl Scouts about self appearance, personal hygiene and education. 

Theta Nu Xi sisters are heavily involved with different organizations on campus, mainly through the Access & Diversity center. They have members who are leaders in African Student Union, Black Student Union, Polynesian Student Union, Asian American Student Council, Latino Student Union, Multicultural Recruitment Council, and USU Student housing. They have leadership opportunities within their region and within their chapter so that every sister has a chance to be a leader. This past month the women of Theta Nu Xi along with The Center for Women and Gender, hosted an “Operation Beautiful” event. It consisted of the documentary Miss Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom that is a film that explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. Along with booths that promoted and gave tips about true beauty.
Inspired by:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Greeks Volunteer for Mardi Gras 2012

Greeks Volunteer for Mardi Gras 2012

On February 11, 2012, many of the Greeks at Utah State volunteered for this year's Mardi Gras festivities in the Taggart Student Center put on by ASUSU - in fact, a large portion of the volunteers were Greeks. There were many Sigma Chi pledges helping with security, Alpha Chis that assisted with decorations, Kappa Deltas running logistics, and a great representation from all the houses throughout the Ballroom, Fieldhouse and lounges.

Kellen Hansen, a Sigma Chi pledge and ASUSU Activities Director, planned the event along with Sigma Chi, Zach Larsen, the ASUSU Programming VP.

Kappa Delta, Lucy Wachtor said, "I really enjoyed volunteering, I actually enjoyed it more than going. I would do it again." It was a great opportunity for Greeks to spend time together and help volunteer for our school.

At one point during the night in the Casino, a table dealt by SigEp David Smith filled up with an unusual number of his brothers, including Zach Card. David let Zach sub in to deal just one hand, with a new, special deck. Krista Anderson, also at the table, was dealt the surprise of her life when the cards flipped up in front of her read "Will You" and "Marry Me?" Zach produced the ring, and his brothers and others around cheered as she answered yes!

ASUSU Arts & Lectures Director Marie Squyres, a Kappa Delta and the Hospitality Chair for Mardi Gras this year, said, "It was really great to go around and see so many Greeks representing our community on campus. I think people have this idea of who Greeks are before they get to know us, and so it's great when we have events like this and people get to know us in a different setting and see that we're just normal people."

The night was a huge success and everyone had a lot of fun attending and volunteering. It's great to be an Aggie, and it's great to be Greek!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 Greek Council

Meet your 2012 Greek Council

Left to Right: Shannon Peters (Secretary/Scholarship), Tanner Hughes (Men's Recruitment), 
Sloan Bailey (Public Relations), Jake Giles (Men's President), 
Caitlin Rasmussen (Women's President), Elizabeth Welch (Women's Recruitment), 
Jordan Garner (Judicals/Finance) and Alanna Hill (Advisor). 

What is the purpose of Greek Council?
  1. Promote harmonious relations among the social fraternities and sororities of Utah State University.
  2. Provide and act as the representative central government of the individual men and women’s social fraternities.
  3. Provide intellectual, cultural and social growth through the implementation of related programming.
  4. Standardize, monitor and regulate the recruitment and new member activities of the men and women’s social fraternities.
  5. Sponsor social, educational and philanthropic events.
  6. Cooperate with campus and community organizations on matters of common interest.
  7. Act as the judicial body for fraternity and sorority violations and/or University regulations.
  8. To facilitate and improve the communication between the Greek community and the Utah State University administration and faculty.