Thursday, February 9, 2012

2012 Greek Council

Meet your 2012 Greek Council

Left to Right: Shannon Peters (Secretary/Scholarship), Tanner Hughes (Men's Recruitment), 
Sloan Bailey (Public Relations), Jake Giles (Men's President), 
Caitlin Rasmussen (Women's President), Elizabeth Welch (Women's Recruitment), 
Jordan Garner (Judicals/Finance) and Alanna Hill (Advisor). 

What is the purpose of Greek Council?
  1. Promote harmonious relations among the social fraternities and sororities of Utah State University.
  2. Provide and act as the representative central government of the individual men and women’s social fraternities.
  3. Provide intellectual, cultural and social growth through the implementation of related programming.
  4. Standardize, monitor and regulate the recruitment and new member activities of the men and women’s social fraternities.
  5. Sponsor social, educational and philanthropic events.
  6. Cooperate with campus and community organizations on matters of common interest.
  7. Act as the judicial body for fraternity and sorority violations and/or University regulations.
  8. To facilitate and improve the communication between the Greek community and the Utah State University administration and faculty.    

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