Sunday, February 12, 2012

Greeks Volunteer for Mardi Gras 2012

Greeks Volunteer for Mardi Gras 2012

On February 11, 2012, many of the Greeks at Utah State volunteered for this year's Mardi Gras festivities in the Taggart Student Center put on by ASUSU - in fact, a large portion of the volunteers were Greeks. There were many Sigma Chi pledges helping with security, Alpha Chis that assisted with decorations, Kappa Deltas running logistics, and a great representation from all the houses throughout the Ballroom, Fieldhouse and lounges.

Kellen Hansen, a Sigma Chi pledge and ASUSU Activities Director, planned the event along with Sigma Chi, Zach Larsen, the ASUSU Programming VP.

Kappa Delta, Lucy Wachtor said, "I really enjoyed volunteering, I actually enjoyed it more than going. I would do it again." It was a great opportunity for Greeks to spend time together and help volunteer for our school.

At one point during the night in the Casino, a table dealt by SigEp David Smith filled up with an unusual number of his brothers, including Zach Card. David let Zach sub in to deal just one hand, with a new, special deck. Krista Anderson, also at the table, was dealt the surprise of her life when the cards flipped up in front of her read "Will You" and "Marry Me?" Zach produced the ring, and his brothers and others around cheered as she answered yes!

ASUSU Arts & Lectures Director Marie Squyres, a Kappa Delta and the Hospitality Chair for Mardi Gras this year, said, "It was really great to go around and see so many Greeks representing our community on campus. I think people have this idea of who Greeks are before they get to know us, and so it's great when we have events like this and people get to know us in a different setting and see that we're just normal people."

The night was a huge success and everyone had a lot of fun attending and volunteering. It's great to be an Aggie, and it's great to be Greek!

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