Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Fun for Trent Morrison

High Ropes Course
Trent Morrison is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon here at Utah State University. This summer Trent received an amazing opportunity to go to Ruck Leadership Institute. At this leadership event only the top 150 undergraduates of SigEp are selected through an application process, Trent was one of those selected. The leadership weekend was in Richmond, Virginia and is one of the six Sigma Phi Epsilon’s member exclusive leadership events. Ruck leadership Institute is designed as a personal leadership experience.
First Composite
Trent’s plans for the leadership weekend include; learning more about his leadership capabilities and how to better impact his Greek life experience. Trent said, “I’m excited to be in the top 150 brothers from across the nation.” He also mentioned that he is excited to learn more about other traditions chapters have as well as differences and similarities his own chapter has compared to others.
One thing Trent loved was that the leadership weekend was in a beautiful setting and that he got to see the beautiful outdoors of Virginia. Another thing that Trent enjoyed was walking on the campus where his Fraternity was founded. Trent really got to learn about SigEp in a different capacity and has gained so much more knowledge about his Fraternity.  

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