Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer of Fun for Diane Meifert

     Diane Meifert is an Alpha Chi Omega and this summer she has gone to Paris, France and Chambery, France. Diane got to go to these cities for her study abroad program through Utah State University. Her main goal while here was to become a more proficient French speaker. Also she was able to add this to her list of countries she has been to. Diane has been to France, Switzerland, Italy, and England.

     While there Diane was immersed into a new and different culture which was exciting for her. She said, “I learned something new every day about the French people and their ways.”  Another way she experienced the culture was by seeing all the amazing landmarks and just by walking the streets. While in Chambery she experienced canyoneering and paragliding. Diane had an amazing experience and loved every minute of it. 

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